
Saturday, December 3, 2011

why this hit di?

I was wondering what made a simple Tamglish song "why this kollaveri di?" an overnight block buster. 1.4 crore hits in youtube within a span of 2 weeks, amazing. So i wanted to do an analysis on this song, following may be the reasons

1. Simple Lyrics
2. Boy criticizing the girl (Both boys and girls like it)
3. Catchy Tune
4. Expressions and Singing style of Dhanush

Even though all the 4 factors are in the hands of the "3" team, but factor #5 new mode of marketing played a crucial role in taking the song to the people esp. youth.(Referring to the Mindset, not age :-) ).

 This new form of marketing is called "Viral" Marketing as termed by IIM's. Refer this article IIM: Viral Marketing. This form involves taking a so called  "product" to the hearts of people and rely on them to spread the word, and now a days spreading a word is a lot easier : WTF (Web, Twitter and Facebook).

Then starts the Comic versions, Remix Versions, Fake Versions (Title will he "kollaveri di", video will be something else)  which make people force to like the song no matter what.

I am not sure whether the "3" team is aware of this style/ it worked out that way but this opened a new channel in the marketing and may be if zuckenberg observed this, he may start charging for "sharing" things as well :-).

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